Taylor’s Top 10: Things my dog has taught me

Story by Taylor Shuck, Editor

So two months ago, I bought a pitbull/terrier mix puppy that was two months old. First of all, I had never had a pet before this, let alone a dog. So I was thrown into a very new situation. And second, I’m a very busy person. It’s been a very interesting adventure for me. But even though she pushes my buttons, that little pipsqueak has taught me a few things in life.

1. Patience

Puppies are wild. Zaney has more energy than I would have ever thought possible. And so through dealing with her antics, I’ve learned to be patient.

2. Cool, calm and collected

On that same note, I realized that to keep her calm, I have to be calm in crazy situations, too. She feeds off my energy and acts out when I do, and so I learned to control my actions in all forms.

3. Cuddling can be nice

I’ll admit it, I wasn’t much of a cuddle bug. But Zaney is the best pillow ever and it’s hard to sleep without her now.

4. Being mean doesn’t always work

At first, I would get mad and yell at Z. But I came to realize that, because she’s a puppy, she doesn’t really understand why I’m yelling at her. So I realized that I have to be forgiving when she makes mistakes, but also teach her right from wrong.

5. Love

It’s so true that having a dog shows you a new and intense kind of love. It’s nice having something around that reminds you that you are kinda cool, and that someone loves you unconditionally always.

6. It’s not always about you

There are days when I’m tired and just want to take a nap, but obviously those are the days that Zaney is the most riled up. So sometimes I have to take a step back and remember that there are other people (or dogs) that are more important than me.

7. Always eat dinner

When I get stressed, I forget to eat meals. But now I have Z around, and having to feed her always makes me think, “Hey, maybe I should feed myself too.”

8. Have fun

In the midst of all the stress, I also have to play with her. My little bouts of fun are definitely a good way to relieve stress and remember that there are a lot of fun things still happening around me.

9. Being responsible isn’t the worst thing

I was so scared to get a dog because I thought I wouldn’t be able to handle the responsibility. But now that she is around, I have to do everything, and she makes me take my responsibilities very seriously. I’m just not allowed to slack off.

10. Enjoy the little things

Since I’ve had Z, it’s been nice to go back to the easy life and remember how much I enjoy the little things, like taking a walk or sitting and petting her. It’s nice to go back to just enjoying simple things and forget about everything else for a while.